воскресенье, 6 ноября 2011 г.


I spent the weekend out of city. I saw the first snow. Autumn is a fabulous time of year, nature becomes a mysterious, enigmatic - bare trees, grass, covered with frost and snow. This time of the year became my favorite.

Дни поздней осени бранят обыкновенно,
Но мне она мила, читатель дорогой,
Красою тихою, блистающей смиренно.
Так нелюбимое дитя в семье родной
К себе меня влечет. Сказать вам откровенно,
Из годовых времен я рад лишь ей одной,
В ней много доброго; любовник не тщеславный,
Я нечто в ней нашел мечтою своенравной.
Александр Пушкин - Осень (1833)

среда, 2 ноября 2011 г.

New Year mood

Today is only the 2 of November, but I already feel that the  winter holidays are coming. Yesterday we (I and my Mom) have started to prepare for our favourite days in the year. About month ago we received a parcel with Bucilla`s felt kit from U.S.  And now it's time for this. After two days of hard work two lovely snowmans ready. It's so exciting to see how from different colorful pieces of felt appears a lovely toy, with their own character. I can not wait until I'll be proud to put it on the Christmas trees. Below I'll show some pictures of the results of our work, I apologize for the bad photo `s quality.
Please do not judge strictly, this is our first experience working with felt.
Take a look:)

пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.

Friday's postcards


The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (English: Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower) is the cathedral church of Florence,Italy. The Duomo, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio and completed structurally in 1436 with the dome engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi. The exterior of the basilica is faced with polychrome marble panels in various shades of green and pink bordered by white and has an elaborate 19th century Gothic Revival façade by Emilio De Fabris.
The cathedral complex, located in Piazza del Duomo, includes the Baptistery and Giotto's Campanile. The three buildings are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site covering the historic centre of Florence and are a major attraction to tourists visiting the region of Tuscany. The basilica is one of Italy's largest churches, and until development of new structural materials in the modern era, the dome was the largest in the world. It remains the largest brick dome ever constructed.
The cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Florence, whose archbishop is currently Giuseppe Betori.

Fast Favourites tag 
The BullfinchCommon Bullfinch or Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. In Anglophone Europe it is known simply as Bullfinch, as it is the original bird to bear the name bullfinch.
This bird breeds across Europe and temperate Asia. It is mainly resident, but many northern birds migrate further south in the winter.
Mixed woodland with some conifers is favoured for breeding, including parkland and gardens. It builds its nest in a bush, (preferably more than 4 metres tall and wide),mature stands of scrub, or tree, laying 4-7 eggs. The food is mainly seeds and buds of fruit trees, which can make it a pest in orchards. Ash and hawthorn are favoured in autumn and early winter. If wild bird cover is planted for it, Kale, Quinoa and Millet are preferred, next to tall hedges or woodland.
This species does not form large flocks outside the breeding season, and is usually seen as a pair or family group.
The Bullfinch is a bulky bull-headed bird. The upper parts are grey; the flight feathers and short thick bill are black; as are the cap and face in adults (they are greyish-brown in juveniles), and the white rump and wing bars are striking in flight. The adult male has red underparts, but females and young birds have grey-buff underparts. The pleasant song of this unobtrusive bird contains fluted whistles.


Что ты заводишь песню военну
Флейте подобно, милый снигирь?
С кем мы пойдем войной на Гиену?
Кто теперь вождь наш? Кто богатырь?
Сильный где, храбрый, быстрый Суворов?
Северны громы в гробе лежат.

Кто перед ратью будет, пылая,
Ездить на кляче, есть сухари;
В стуже и в зное меч закаляя,
Спать на соломе, бдеть до зари;
Тысячи воинств, стен и затворов;
С горстью россиян всё побеждать?

Быть везде первым в мужестве строгом,
Шутками зависть, злобу штыком,
Рок низлагать молитвой и Богом,
Скиптры давая, зваться рабом,
Доблестей быв страдалец единых,
Жить для царей, себя изнурять?

Нет теперь мужа в свете столь славна:
Полно петь песню военну, снигирь!
Бранна музыка днесь не забавна,
Слышен отвсюду томный вой лир;
Львиного сердца, крыльев орлиных
Нет уже с нами! — что воевать?

Державин Гавриил Романович <Май 1800>


The Bullfinch

Why do you strike up songs military 
Fife-like, o, bullfinch, my friend?
Who'll take the lead in our fight with Hell's forces?
Who will command us? What Hercules?
Where is Suvorov, strong, swift and fearless?
Now Northern thunder lies dead in the grave.

Who will ride fiery, ahead of the legions,
Nag for a steed, and crusts for meal,
Temper his sword in the heat and in ice storms,
Sleep on straw pallets, labor 'til dawn,
Bring down the armies, the walls and the forts 
With but a handful of stout Russian men?

Who will excel in unwavering courage,
Conquering fate with a prayer and with faith,
Evil with bayonets, envy with jests?
Capturing scepters, remaining a slave,
Who will keep striving for valor alone,
Live for our Tsars, while consuming himself?

Glorious heroes like this one are gone now
Bullfinch cease singing your songs military!
Music of war brings us no more enjoyment.
Sad laments everywhere sound from the lyres:
Heart of a lion and wings of an eagle 
Now and forever gone-how will we fight?

Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin <Май 1800>

среда, 26 октября 2011 г.


Examinations is over.
That is why now I can devote one's time to my hobbies. I have already sorted my postcards.
A couple days ago I received wonderful stamps, I bought it on ebay.com.

New postcards.


*Turkey to the rest of the world Tag* 







Thank you!

пятница, 14 октября 2011 г.

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Shopping day

Today is wonderful weather. Instead of going for a walk in the park, I decided to go shopping :)
Also today, I receive a parcel with seeds of coneflower "Double Delight"  and dwarf stocks.

And some postcards :)
= Wishlist Tag =

Fridge magnet tag

Sunset/sunrise tag

"What I really would like to have is ..."tag

Vintage reprints tag

France - rest of the world tag 

"Send me a card from my album of favourites" tag 2 

Just tag 

Just tag 

Fast Favourites tag (read rules in first post!) 

Fast Favourites tag (read rules in first post!) 

Thank you :)